I find the timid shy girls almost more fun than the aggressive sluty ones. I think because they quickly become horny sex machines once you get their pants off. In accordance with her demeanour Pookie seemed a little embarrassed as she removed each piece of clothing. As with most small slim girls the cock looks huge when it comes out. Pookie`s came out erect and she was eager to get mine in her surprisingly large mouth. We made out a bit and I stuck my big hard pole in here little soft hole. I pulled out and she had no problem jerking her banana cock to a nice spurt. Once we were done and she was getting cleaned up she exclaimed, \”I really like you, you call me again\”. I said I would if I had time but alas I did not. I will certainly look her up net time I`m in Phuket and will do a better job on her shoot. I always ask the girls if they want a drink and you can see she chose a Bacardi Breezer. This drink is by far the most popular drink with ladies and ladyboys alike in this part of world. The first time a ladyboy had asked me for one I had no idea what she was talking about as they pronounce it \”Ba – Ca – Di\” as of course most Asians have trouble with the western \”R\” sound. They often switch it with the \”L\” sound but in this case they ignore it for some reason. I met Pookie just in front of the bar at Soi Kathoey. She looked happy and surprised when I propositioned her. So off we went to the Poppa Palace. This is a nice hotel but it is in a strange place. The official way to get there is on the Soi that runs towards the beach across from the Royal Paradise Complex. The strange thing is that this Soi does not extend to the beach but dead ends after it jogs around. This kind of street which would be called a back alley in the west is common in Thailand. When you hit these dead ends consider yourself lucky if there is a way out on foot other than doubling back. In this case there is a short cut to the beach between some houses and across a feted swampy lot. Pookie looked a little nervous as I lead her through this short cut back to the hotel. It is dark and little spooky so I enjoyed holding the girl`s hands and they would usually pull closer to me as we strolled. It was sort of romantic and a good lead in to what was about to happen.
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